Don't put your company at risk when affordable help is right here.
I specialize in tailored compliance for start-up, small, or mid-sized companies. Many of these types of companies don't have the resources to comply with complex U.S. export laws. With an excellent reputation and more than 18 years of experience in aerospace and defense, I can fill that gap while meeting your budgetary constraints. My vast and reliable experience encompasses the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and the Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC), and includes transition requirements relating to Export Control Reform. I have developed compliance programs from the ground up, assisted in State Department audits, conducted highly technical EAR and ITAR classifications and re-classifications on numerous products and services, licensing and correspondence with government agencies, and general guidance and training.
Whether you need program implementation or re-organization, recordkeeping, or just training, I am available for a fraction of the cost an attorney would charge. You don't have to hire an attorney to get reliable compliance help. My goal is to provide you with quality services that don't stop revenue.
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